
I am not expressing any sort of opinion with the following question, I'm just wondering. People with mental illness are threatened all the time to undergo treatment they don't want because it's deemed the safest and most effective avenue. What's the difference between that and a woman making a choice about giving

That video makes me sick. They didn't even let her speak before saying "That' won't work." And the moderator(?) was like "These situations arise..." No, they don't "arise," they are deliberately committed.

This is Lamb Choppe. May he rest peacefully and forever in cuteness. <3

Aaaaand now I have to go download that song.

Wait wait wait, guys. What if "love thyself" actually meant "be comfortable with who you are" and wasn't directions to literally go fuck ourselves? This acid is strong shit.

Oh my god, I would absolutely love to see that.

I don't want to change my last name for several reasons, but there's one that hasn't been mentioned yet that I would like to bring up. If I end up marrying who I think I'm going to marry (current boyfriend), he isn't Jewish and does not have a Jewish last name. While I'm not religious at all, nor do I practice, I

Dear #3, I'm pretty sure that you can call a suicide hotline on behalf of your friend if you find yourself scared and out of ideas. Take her threats of self-harm seriously.

I have never experienced any weight changes, and I'm pretty sure Wellbutrin is a weight-neutral drug. I have a rule that I won't take any meds that have weight gain as a potential side effect, and I've been on the 'trin for years.

If you're happy with it then it's working! I'm glad you've found a med that works for you. And this isn't directed towards you, specifically, but Wellbutrin doesn't have any sexual side effects. It's not listed as a side effect, and I am on the maximum dose for a human person (and I'm kind of a small human person)

1. I asked this in a reply to a comment, but I'm actually really curious now: What does "hooking up" mean? Sex? Making out?

I just googled "Do wooden wedding rings decay?" and the first site was this Islamic dream interpreter. "A wooden ring in a dream represents a hypocritical woman," quoth the site. Good to know.

The rules are there are no rules! I agree with nopenotgonna in that if you are only hooking up (does that mean sex these days? serious question.) then the relationship talk can wait. But if you are doing activities together then there is relationship potential blooming. In terms of timing, I guess it just has to

Maybe ask your doctor if it would be wise to take the pill every other day or half a pill every day or something for a few weeks to wean yourself off. It might make the transition and "shock" to your hormones less drastic.

I'm actually crying now. I'm so sorry for you and your puppy. Hugs.

I think I have an eye infection and/or I scratched my cornea or something. It hurts! During the day when I'm wearing my contacts, suddenly my field of vision will be blurry and I take my contacts out and there are smudge-like marks on it. So I clean them and put them back in, but it happens again. I thought it was

How did you start?

I think this article isn't so much decrying the actions of the alleged rapist (which, if he is indeed a rapist or an abusive partner, should be decried). I think this article is more about illuminating the actions of a fucked up system that is completely victim-blaming and twisted. A school that says you can be

Careful! If your Honor Court finds out you said something that might reflect negatively on the University you can be expelled!