
Wow, that's a beautiful photo!

They said the same thing about my Lamb Choppe (a dog). He lived until he was 13.5 years old. But hugs, definitely. My heart goes out to you and your puppy.

Ooooh A Fish Called Wanda! I like how in the 80s Jamie Lee Curtis was very into taking off her clothes. Now she likes bowel movements.

I'll take either. I have already downloaded The Heathers, but I have 7 hours to kill, so I need another one.

I'm of a mindset right now believing that everything is absolute bullshit and life is and always will be terrible.

I'm pretty sure he meant that I should be proud to be accepted, but there's always a chance I misunderstood.

I think I'm going to watch The Heathers. Has anyone here seen it?

Right. Unfortunately I am NOT good at dealing with uncertainty, so this sucks hard!

Thanks, ComoEstoy. I hope your experience turned out for the best, and hopefully mine will too. But yes, this is so draining! I decided to begin the grad school process in August (after being unsuccessful in finding a research job in my field for 9 months), and it's been a marathon since then. I'm so ready for it

I received the news in an email from the "Director of Communication & Information Systems." She said a snail mail letter is on its way giving more details. If it turns out I don't get an offer there after having been on the wait list, I think I might give the Dean a piece of my mind (in a professional manner, of

I don't want to click on the article because I don't want to give him the satisfaction of more hits, but for those of you who did, I have a question: Did he use any sort of fact to back anything he said up? Or is his opinion derived from his clear worldliness?

I interviewed at a grad school last week, and during my interview with the Dean of the school he said that I was accepted and that I should feel good about myself. Of course, it was not official, but that's what he said. Here I am a week later, and I have discovered I have been wait listed. First of all, that

So I guess I shouldn't plan on opening my boob-themed family restaurant and grill in North Carolina, then. Back to the drawing board.

Congrats! I think it's good to present yourself in a way that sends the message that you are responsible enough to handle whatever the duties of the job may be. Showing up on time is exxxxxtremely important— it shows you care, and demonstrates professionalism. Smile. And, of course, let some of your personality

If a guy or girl does not respect your boundaries and rules when it comes to sex, dump the shit out of them. If they can't wait until you're comfortable, they are not worth keeping around.

I wear waterproof eye makeup, but it always seems to smudge. I found a trick not to make it smudge, but it turns out if I use that trick when I cry everything completely melts and runs down my face, rendering the "waterproof" aspect a joke. Unfortunately I cry a lot. How do you keep your eye makeup from smudging?

Hailey wants a pita chip.

I think I'm going to get really dressed up in a cocktail dress a la Pretty Woman, go to a five star restaurant with my boyfriend, finish my salad, dab my lips with a cloth napkin and seductively yet politely ask "Do you mind if put my fat cock in your ass"

You're right. If anyone asks 50 psychologists what "intelligence" is, they will get 5o different answers. IQ is just one test that measures one interpretation of what intelligence means, so it's not the be all and end all of everything.

I've never heard of VCF before! Question: does it affect... oral activities in a negative way?