
With the whole bleeding/pain thing, I think it kind of depends on your anatomy. My hymen was a septate hymen (which is apparently really rare— look I'm special!) and if I ever wanted a penis in there it was going to have to break. Or his penis would have to split in half, which I should have suggested come to think

My friend is a hypocrite and I'm so sick of it. She literally says one thing, blogs about this thing, Facebooks about this thing, preaches this thing but then does the complete opposite and tells me (and I'm guessing others) about it. And shrugs her shoulders and continues preaching saying next time she'll be true

"Save the music, kids! But not women." - Chris Brown

When I (a teenager at the time, also a female) fenced competitively, I kept a can of Axe in my fencing bag to use after coming out of my knickers and jacket and mask all sweated up. No chicks though.

The love of my life and the cutest girl in the world, Hailey.

Have you tried NADS? They used to air infomercials on TV a while back and my mom called up and bought some. The NADS never came and her credit card information was stolen. So I'm wondering if there's a real product, and if so, is it any good?

Yeah, notice that the people who were talking crazy about children always being a blessing are MEN who don't have VAGINAS or UTERI or BRAINS. And they say birth control is manmade. You know what else is manmade? Religion.

Ah, I see. The post and the article don't make that totally clear, but now rereading them I think I understand. Thanks!

I'm a little confused. I, a woman, have been to/pretended to pray at the Western Wall twice in my life, and no one said anything about it. In fact, you have to pass through a security turnstile to get to it, and my friends and I just walked right on through. Why wasn't I arrested?

That looks great! Where did you get the pattern? Or did you make it up?

Moisturizer and/or aloe.

I'll be there in 10 minutes with some yogurt covered pretzels.

I bought a Lunette (I'm pretty sure that was the brand— it was a long time ago) and I had mixed feelings. I really liked that I didn't have to spend a billion dollars on tampons, but I never actually fully trusted them, so I would always wear a pantyliner with it (which are not totally cheap). It would leak if I

Why does this remind me of the Addicted to Love video?

Also, it's possible that the same (imaginary, but I'm trying to humor them) "forces" that cause your first time to be great/terrible also cause the rest of your sex life to be great/terrible. So it's not exactly, the first time that's causing your sex life to be great/terrible, but it's some THIRD VARIABLE

That was my exact first thought. It's like, "We're getting shit from almost everyone with a goddamn working brain, so let's transfer the blame to the Scout leaders. Problem solved!"

You know that #facepalm thing? Well, my reaction to this article was literally to put my palm on my face and shake my head.

STOP IT, Lindsay Lohan. STOP.

Interesting. That would have been my guess (the mood/behavior thing), but it sounds like it's a very shaky method with potentially a lot of problems. But I guess treating mental health and addiction are still part art, not totally science. Thanks for your help!

Oh my god that is amazing. Made my morning!