
Id be rather watch Don Simpson do a line off the crack of someone’s ass than watch another one of these. For the record I’ve not seen the first two so what do i know 

The only thing I remember about that Indy movie was he went back in time, the first half hour not so much

I believe James Caan was was offered Cuckoo’s nest and turned it down. Now, i’m not saying he would’ve been better but fuck me i’d alternitve universe watch the shit out of that.

Sam jackson is in Goodfellas, so he does make the top 30. I think he even manages to get a “fuck” in before Tommy plugs him.

He could’ve wrote those scripts before Sicario and got them produced on the back of it. Who knows? 

They were in Extreme Prejudice together too.

Bangs of New York

It was shit. But, if i had to pick between this piece of shit for my nights viewing or say something like Dunkirk, then i’d be watching this piece of shit again.

He wouldnt make a patch for an Irishman’s arse.

Aw come on, Stone only started to make really unwatchable shit after Any given Sunday. Almost everything up to that point had something going for it.   

The damned drumming on that album makes it a hard listen. Book of liars stands out though, for me.