As a resident of OH-11, I was so grateful when The Root chose not to cover this race. I wish that had continued to be the case but I guess it’s good for clicks now. So be it.
As a resident of OH-11, I was so grateful when The Root chose not to cover this race. I wish that had continued to be the case but I guess it’s good for clicks now. So be it.
The question was what would he tell his black son to do in the case he was pulled over. This article pretends it’s his general response to racial injustice in America. I challenge someone here to answer this question in a meaningfully better way, considering that it is you giving advice to your black son.
Healthy patients do not make money for big pharma. Big pharma is not in the business of curing people.
I am glad that (specifically) you have asked us to examine the way “we” are addressing and “making” claims about sexually predatory behavior. Now please allow me to “unpack” some shit:
In my opinion, Melo is the most overrated player in the history of the league. I had high hopes that he could be “Olympic Melo” and bring something for that team, but he didn’t. Melo is butt now.
There was also political and racial gerrymandering, which also seems to be largely absent from Sanders’ rhetoric (happy to reconsider this if someone can throw some links my way).
Dem losses during the Obama tenure are a fact, but Sanders is missing the boat on why those losses occurred. White resentment shot through the roof following Obama’s election and while people focused on the national Tea Party candidates, the biggest disruption was in State government.
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama primarily.
Sorry, those aren’t white tears. White tears are what I got all over my facebook page when I suggested that women who voted for Trump really weren’t allowed to do “hashtag metoo.” Oh the whiteness! “This is not okay,” was the most common response. Meaning my comment. Not the spectacle of female Trump voters going…