
So they can’t keep a computer cleaner, or our credit information, or email, safe, but it’s time for self driving cars and always on listening devices in our homes.

We can only hope that the NFLPA, and all of its members read these comments from an owner. May they take action, collectively, against the collusion. Additionally, don’t just stop watching. Stop buying the products advertised on TV and in the stadiums.

The fact that such a critique is missing is a massive part of the problem. These programs have to be willing to discuss the data on the issue, and turn directly to the educators enforcing these policies, saying plainly, if you enforce these policies and contribute to these statistics it makes you a racist and has the

The general topics of his posts are not relevant to my comment. What he wrote pointedly represents the biggest labor issues before the US and global economy: humans, robotics, automation, and the future. The workers in the warehouses and supply chain already have bad wages and conditions. With no unionization, the

The most important post on this site in some time. The pendulum must be pushed back toward morally equitable balance between labor and ownership/capital. Apple, Google, and others, have already proven collusion to suppress tech work wages years ago.

Ray Lewis, just go away. Had you said, “Mr Bisciotti, damn that picture. That’s his woman not him, we need to sign this guy!”, we might believe you. But this explanation is simply making that photo all the more compelling. The city of Baltimore could really use Kaep, as a healing balm for the proven police

All you need to remember is that Obama was President for 8 years, two full terms, and the KKK did not make it onto the official list of terror organizations and no white supremacists were added to the terror watch list. The President can name anyone or any group to the list without approval from Congress, a Court, or

(Shaft) You’re damn right!

Panama, I feel for you. Your courage is tremendous for making these choices as parents have a hold on us like few can. I have no fix, but I’ve found it helpful to offer white people the following path (Robin Diangelo, Jane Elliott, Tim Wise, George Carlin). If they can consume what these fellow white people have to

Stop romanticizing the Clintons! They are neolibral, murderous, morally deficient racists too. If they’d gotten out of the way maybe we could have had a better outcome. So much of what’s terrible in the world that’s happened since 2000 was made possible because of laws and policies Clinton put in place or his wife

And? So now there’s been a cleansing of the main white supremacist but Trump has been, and is still a racist. This changes nothing but to help them be covert racists just like the rest. Nice headline, but let’s not fall for this nonsense and use the momentum to push the envelope toward something more tangible. Pence

This is, despite appearances, not good news. It would merely allow the mainstream media to begin to spin a change in the Trump human, but that would be laughable. Our sister Maya told us to believe someone when they show you who they are, and Trump, long before this moment showed he is a racist. Just as much as the

My family and I are done watching, as it’s too dangerous and we don’t want our 2 y/o son to develop any love for the game in its current state. That being said, we are also stopping in solidarity with Kaep and the health of the players. I am a life-long 49ers fan who grew up loving football, played the game, and value

There is truth in much of what you’ve said. As no specific alternative to capitalism was mentioned in the initial post, I will not internalize your mention of socialism as being pointed to my observation but merely a continuation of the general discussion. That being said, it is an oversimplification to state that the

Lewis, who never says the words “police” or “brutality” in his comments but gestures vaguely at “people talking,” says that if people really want to help Kaepernick, they’ll pray and “stop encouraging you to be caught up in some of this nonsense.”

If one is going to attempt to make allegorical observations from G.O.T to the real lives of Black and Brown humans this is the only part of the episode worth discussing, as the rest is fanciful drivel. It was brief, as are all genuine and insightful mentions of banking and corporate power in the word relative to all

This whole saga is proof that the business of covering sport has become bigger than sports itself. Carmelo as a person, one of the nicer folks out there on most levels. As a player, why all of this fuss for a volume scorer who doesn’t rebound or play defense and never has? Those two things only take the individual

What is this sorry asshattery you are passing off as analysis? The references you make to the allowances that the jazz genre has made to different flavors and subcategories belies a very important fact, those musicians in the subcategories could/can actually play music. These mumble rappers can speak and are inaudible