
I’d argue people like you that spout hate and ignorance are the scum of the Earth. Or, perhaps, rapists, murderers, pedophiles...anti-vaxxers are pretty far down the list.  Thanks for your non-contribution to this conversation.

So if you get a cold, the government should ban you from all public places because, well, they can!

Obviously people should vaccinate their kids but the attitude of this story is pretty fucked up

It really galls me to think that some people want “intentionally harboring a potentially deadly illness” to be a protected class.”

Doctors not washing their hands kills thousands of people every year, maybe tens of thousands. Study after study finds doctors just don’t wash their hands enough. If we could make one easy fix to our health care, it would be getting doctors to wash their hands more. This would save many many more lives than banning

Come at me, bros.: there are two things that are wrong-headed about people who are objecting to this decision.

So you’re saying that people should have to prove their vaccination status in order to be out in public places? Got it.

Aaaannd there it is, the persistent right wing troll that eventually makes his way to posting outright anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.  

1st Amendment violation. They can go fuck themselves.

Assuming this was allowable under normal circumstances, I’d think that policy lost any meaning when Trump claimed most federal workers support him. Is the FAA’s position that Trump can speak for their employees but the employees can’t speak for themselves?

It’s true, though. I'm a furloughed worker reporting without pay, and I was directly told by an employee at the labor office to claim benefits regardless. 

So now not only do you have to work for free, but they also take away your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech? This is bullshit and whoever put out that memo should be fired. Everyone to whom the memo was addressed should speak out AT THE SAME TIME and set a strike deadline. Let’s see Trump try to replace

Still? So you’re saying they’re dumb as fuck? They haven’t learned by now that their bigot in chief gives no fucks about them either?

Then someone needs to blow the whistle on this “leader” ‘cause that shit’s conspiratorial fraud.

It seems to me that technically they are not currently employed by the federal government.

For mega-wealthy people who bought tickets and have private jets?  As well as teams who have to travel by plane?

What are you on about?

I mean, seriously though, if the shutdown continues to the end of January, you know what ends this ridiculous shutdown the fastest?

As a federal agency, they are in violation of those employees’ first amendment rights by dictating what they can ‘do’ with their free speech, peaceable assembly, and petition.

Um, stupid question, but is this allowed?