
Men will just lie about their political party more. Shit men have lied for a hell of a lot more to get laid.

I may regret proposing this but if women as a group boycotted sex that would probably be enough to get Trump out of office. Please God don’t do that though!

I’m more ok with gun regulations than most folks of my ilk, however I understand why they are so protective. I think one thing the left doesn’t understand is when rights are taken away, you almost never get them back. If you prose to me an assault weapons ban I’ll listen but the problem lies with that isn’t how the

The two main reasons I’m conservative are states rights and gun control. I’m a hunter in the west and I believe not all states should be governed federally. I’ve also worked for the government and private enterprise and government run practically anything is a nightmare compared to private business. I have more

Yeah I get that for the record I didn’t vote for Trump. I think he is a first class idiot, but I am a pretty deeply entrenched republican just not on social issues.

Personally I think there are many more responsible republicans out there than advertised. If I remember correctly I believe my first post on Facebook after Obama was elected was a congrats to my democrat friends and stated that he was now my president as well. The problem is these republicans aren’t the loudest.

Careful homie those sweetie remarks are pretty sexist.

Wasn’t crying about being banned. Just letting peeps who follow me know....

The other possibility is your sensitivity meter is on 93 after the orange oaf was elected.

I don’t know how else to put it. I love Deadspin and most of these sites but I flat out am not apologizing for that. If I need to create a new burner fine. I’m not apologizing for a joke practically every comedian has made white or black from 1976-2016.

Call it what you want. I am in no way racist. Anyone who knows me knows this for a fact. To me racisim involves A) Malace B) A feeling of Superiority C) Anger D) Vulgarity.

Me too actually. I don’t wanna put this on you but I have been banned by all Deadspin sites. Anyone who follows me just an FYI.

This is less surprising than Trump being elected. I for one can not wait for Bill Maher and John Oliver this weekend.

My mom died between episode seven and eight of True Detective (which she loved). I swear that haunted me more than anything. I finished practically every season of everything, every book, every task. God that still haunts me.

I don’t think she is ever running. I’m not positive she could win but I do know with a degree of certainty Condi has a lot of support from the pro Bush crowd in the Republican Party especially from the folk who liked George or his daddy as president.

We’ll probably never know but I know for a fact of at least two elderly republicans who wouldn’t vote for Trump who would vote for Condi in a heartbeat.

On the plus side all these artists we like got to miss out on knowing Trump would be president....

Possibly... elderly racist white folk love Condi. I have no idea why but for the most part I know this to be true. Same with Colin Powell.

You aren’t wrong. I think Condi could though. I really do.

If Condolezza Rice runs yes.