Fair game
Fair game
This can’t happen though.
I have a friend we’ll call him Javi who once said
He’s actually going to win this. I was kidding about going to sleep but sweet holy dick sucking Christ it might happen. How can people be this stupid?
If this happens. Sweet Christ. It will be a field day for comedians and liquor stores.
Why? You aren’t wrong.
Wait Trump can’t win this right?
Can I ask you something on the back end of that comment? Do I really come in with that strong of take?
What Kennedy did scares Bill Clinton.
Like I needed to know...
I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing?!
By the way I mean that solely in a political sense. I’m tired and I’d prefer not having a drop by, by the police again.
So I have four years to take him out?
Gotta admit that was pretty funny.
Wait my candidate who looks like a clown in makeup with hair plugs who is a sexist racist pig with tiny hands and a daughter he molests and a wife he cheats on while saying vulgar shit didn’t win?
I’m not even sure why anyone would want to know this but I’m kind of glad I know it. I’m going to sleep.
I don’t even... This is too much to process tonight.
Not that that’s better. But you know for a fact the candidates would use this somehow.
Lol. I’m having a bad night.