Ah Christ the Cubs again. Pretty sure Epstein ate Steinbrenner’s soul.
This is a beautiful Gif. He missed that block by a minimum of two feet.
They aren’t but it’s the goal of any fight, by any animal in practically any situation. This will be a hot take but whatever. I think human’s intelligence has masked their animal instinct constantly. We in civilized society pretend that we are not just animals at heart.
I’m not sure why we test in sports where the goal is to beat each other to death.
This response deserves to be in a museum of what not to do in front of any person.
No and that’s fine I’m just pointing out that the point of my post is still fine. The money comes from a different bank account. This memo is still not offensive.
Dude lay off that’s me
I don’t know the corporate structure of Starbucks. Is anything about the thin skin of lefties a lie? It’s a generic bullshit memo who anyone with a brain would ignore. Where is the drama? Where is the outrage? It’s not vote for X person or you are fired. It’s hey we are going to get more business be prepared and be…
There in lies the problem we’ve gone to this town as a family for 40 years. So trust me the girls know me and have either shut me down or put out, neither of which is good for this bet.
North Kansas
Well played
Pretty much why I added the third. Lol
My first thought was not “My god this is offensive!” It was “Why am I reading this in the first place?” As it would be as an employee of Starbucks.
I didn’t say Arkansas
I’m going hunting for six weeks with my dad in a 14 foot trailer.
I’m not even sure about the patronizing part. Aside from Hamilton’s side notes it comes off a reminder to employers, whom get paid from his bank account. It’s a dildo message I would toss in the trash, but the sensitivity of some left leaning folk is astounding. Is this really that offensive?
I played quarterback and our punter was garbage. This worked 100% of the time except the time where the kid dropped it.