
I’ve actually said this quite a few times but maybe not on here. I consider myself a constitutionalist more than a Democrat or Rebublican. Neither is wrong but that means a lot more to me than either party. Both people scare me but Hillary scares me less than Trump.... marginally.

You don’t have to lie to kick it ☺

Honestly man I’m more pissed at my own party than yours. These problems are not fucking new and I’m real tired of dealing with them and pretending we have some other problem. Lose the bull shit or lose me. Get it the fuck together.

It’s funny it did look like he was trying he just had no hope. Like I get it man I try really hard not to say stupid shit. But he has a knack for it like I’ve never seen. Most people can say “I don’t remember.” Every time Donald does remember.

It’s cool cheers to you pretzels of beer either one.

I was a little too fast on that Floyd but I promise this statement is 100% true.

This is 100 percent true

I might have to think about this. I don’t think you are wrong so don’t get me wrong I just need to process this info. Like on one level you are dead right with Trump bringing out some real dip shits. So that’s good for the Republican party but since it was decided before half of the west got a chance to vote... that

Oh you got jokes.... I have no response since you are correct. I hope you choke on a pretzel.

I often give out weird hugs so I don’t blame him for that the rest is dead fucking on. Lol

The minute I saw this from you I was like fuck, what did I say. Well played.

Here is what I think. It is clearly not fucking working for Rebublicans. Like maybe pissing off the base will work worse but where the hell are they going to go. Would you rather chance losing or continue to get smoked? The current strategy is not working. Lol

Nope I voted for Gary. I couldn’t do it but I couldn’t vote for Trump either. As a registered Republican. First time in my life.

I even like religion in may ways but it shoutd at any cost stay the fuck out of politics.

Oh man I love you. I was waiting for this.

Good point to yuckwave.

You seem to be under the impression I’m voting for Trump. That makes more sense. I am a Republican but I wouldn’t vote for him with a gun to my head.

Roe. Was a dumb oversight. Some of the stuff you said I don’t think is a huge problem. It’s a function of the main problem. The religious right has to go. The problem is what the religious right has created, the inability to move forward. I think there are many people in this country who are okay with religion,

I couldn’t read that because I am too smart ☺

Some things the Republican party needs if we would ever like to win another election.