
What a gRand waste of time.

With the legal system the way it is today we are all one sneeze away from being a "criminal". Remember that the laws our society has created are not universal laws from God. No, they are just put in place at the whims of those in authority for whatever reason they see fit.

23 years old! That makes her the luckiest girl in the... galaxy.

That is amazing! What a fascinating look into history. You get a whole feel for what Earth was like before we sodomized it.

Oh my goodness, multithreaded! I don't mean to take away from this achievement but calculating pi has been done to death.

What can I say? That is... disgusting.

Jesus at the top of the list!? I didn't see that one coming.

That's cool!

@Jeff: Excellent point. I'm sure the jury took that into consideration when making their decision. The problem is that allegations and defemations of character snowball out of control to the point where all one has to do is look at a computer to be guilty of something. Afterall, look at his previous convictions.

The SSD option is brilliant, although I refuse to pay Apple's pricing on that and RAM. I've been using an Intel X25-M SSD for almost 2 years in my ThinkPad, and for about 4 months in my iMac. Noiseless virtually instantaneous boot-up is senseless how??? Once you get your first SSD, there back, folks.

Your Dell has...ahahha...sorry, does your Dell have a 375nit IPS panel w/ QXGA high resolution density? I sound like a Mac fanboy or whatever they're called.

I don't get the craze for glossy displays either, but I can't wait for Apple to make a "Retina"-like high-resolution density! The 27" iMac comes pretty close.

Jobs likes money like the next super rich guy. He's been consistent with trying to keep the platform "clean" to the extent possible. I'm kind of glad although I like porn, too. I don't want it in my face constantly, though. No, sometime, I like it on the azz, legs, in...ugh, never mind that...:D

What??? I totally disagree with the conclusion drawn by this article. 3G to 3GS was a so-so update, but the iPhone 4? It's night and day better. I'd be there in a New York minute for just the crazy LED-backlit IPS 326ppi screen. Video calling and the Gryo are secondary to me. If Steve-oh could only add IPS to its

What??? I totally disagree with the conclusion drawn by this article. 3G to 3GS was a so-so update, but the iPhone 4? It's night and day better. I'd be there in a New York minute for just the crazy LED-backlit IPS 326ppi screen. Video calling and the Gryo are secondary to me. If Steve-oh could only add IPS to its