
Let's make sure the screen has IPS. :-P

Let's make sure the screen has IPS and I might just get one for my Apple collection. :-P

@Josh_Geyer: In fact, fuck it. You win. Bye bye

@Josh_Geyer: Don't worry; I'm not exactly having a good time talking to you either. If you intend to drive me out you have nearly succeded.

@Bathtub69: It is quite obvious that you are the educated one between the two of us.

@SublimeGreen: You wasted a lot of time trying to make me upset but I saw what you were doing in the first couple sentances.

I hate rich people. I can't even afford a lawyer to protect from my ex completely wedging me out of my 9m/o daughters life but yeah... impress your friends with your fish tank. ...I hope you die.

I think this is a good idea because it would be much cheaper and simpler than putting them on a bus to Oklahoma.

@Pook365: In the words of Bart Simpson "this baby is wasted on you."

@Tommy Five: Good point. If however, you wanted to pull the old switcheroo with an existing piece of jewelery using the cheapest mats possible.... avoid cheap solder.

@sneakypoo: I'm no expert but I am aware of this, yes. You can never be too cautious when it comes to lead poisening your soul mate.

@MacAttack: Ha Ha! Good point. I'm going to do that.

Hint: When creating fake CZ rings avoid using solder as you could poisen your lover with lead.

My guesses were a gaint model of a microprocessor or the inside of a solid rocket booster. Although those look like people down there so the SRB would be huge.

@ethervizion: Fair enough. I'm just trying to say that I appreciate their work.

@Gary_7vn: How hard is it to put up wood paneling wallpaper? Also, I think they are trying to smart small.

No offense but they look like they would be perfectly comftorable living in Mom's basement. Isn't your typical astronaut a tad more ambitious? I think there is a personality mismatch.