

I wish I had the foresight to pack like this when I was studying/living abroad. I very rarely put much thought into my travel - picked a destination(s), left length of stay to my moods, grabbed a change of clothes, deodorant, and my toothbrush and just went for it.

I’ve never kept a dream journal. I have lucid dreams semi-regularly. After a night of moderate drinking, I wake up wondering how much I actually had to drink, and if what I dreamed actually happened. Very disorienting.

Well played, sir.

Thank you for this article. I really enjoyed reading and learning from it, and the discussion it has fostered.


My cat will do anything to go outside and play in the snow. Especially when it's, like, -10 degrees and she'll likely freeze to death. Fortunately, we have a routine - she ninja's her way out of the house, basks in the cold for 10 minutes, jumps on the window screen to alert her humans she would like to come back

I love lipstick, but I can't wear it. It either makes my face look redder than it already is, or it makes me look kinda dead.

I think I'm hyperventilating...

Thank you so much for this. We are the same height, and the same weight.

Me. I was the Maid of Honor to a friend I hadn't really been friends with for a number of years, working about 80 hours a week. The night before the wedding, I promised her I wouldn't swear in my toast. In between the ceremony/pictures/reception, each of us in the bridal party drank a bottle of champagne each