
My partner and I discovered a really strange coincidence after we were together for several years. It turns out that our respective sets of parents were married essentially simultaneously, in churches at opposite ends of the same street. We’ve considered getting married the same date as them, possibly in the town hall

In order for me to be fully informed as a voter, I am going to need images of Scott Walker’s colon. In fact, I would like transanal ultrasounds of all potential GOP candidates as right now, I cannot decide who is the biggest asshole.

It really is so selfish. I was at a wedding of good friend of mine and it so happened that the photographer and DJ were dating and were friends of the bride and groom and entire wedding party. The DJ proposed to the photographer during the reception and of course the photographer said yes. The photographer was so

The engagement ring on the other hand NEVER would have occurred to me, and my cousin - one of my bridesmaids - was like, “trust me on this, put it on your right hand” while I was getting dressed.

I cried at my wedding as soon as I saw my wife walking down the aisle. I also cried the first time I heard my daughter’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, when I found out she was a girl, the first time that I held her, and sometimes when I rock her to sleep.


yes. i’ve been fairly inactive since March, mainly because every time I hooked up with a Tinder random it was bad, and every time I hooked up with my ex (who is FINALLY OUT OF MY LIFE AND I HAVE BLOCKED FROM ALL SOCIAL MEDIA, PLEASE PAT ME ON THE BACK JEZZIES) I felt terrible about myself because he made me feel

I’m a guy, BUT when I get married I want a bouquet - is that ok? I dunno, most gay weddings I’ve seen pictures of don’t seem to have any flowers except for in the lapel...

Who says you need to wait for menopause?! I’m only turning 30 this year and have already decided that I’m all out of fucks to give. I am loving and caring to the people I love and care about. I am courteous and professional at work, and a basically decent human being in my general life. But anyone who tries to fuck

No. UO is the dum dum for making up a brand name literally nobody understands.

Still NO way I would possibly get what word they were trying to get at because fucking BEHOLDEN is a dumbass name for a fucking store.

I love those kinds of scenarios. You forget everyone is naked in like 10 minutes and it’s just people.

Yeeesssss. I’ve been a sort-of-nudist for years and I think it’s one of the best things for body acceptance. I’m having my birthday party at a korean spa (I’ve had a lot of declined invites :( ).

I go to Korean spas quite a bit now ever since I discovered them a few years back. It’s wonderful to see every different shape and size relaxing and not giving a hoot. I think because only perfect bodies are shown in the media, people have a really skewed vision of what the average body looks like. I know I did.

Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.

This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men

There there, little wingnut. When President Obama gets his third term, we’ll shift the Supreme Court enough to allow for fourth trimester abortions. Then you’ll really have something to bitch about.


Honestly if someone was like “I KNOW IM HOT BUT JFC ITS EXHAUSTING TO GET HIT ON ALL THE FUCKING TIME” I would like that WAY MORE than a humble brag because I know exactly how it feels.

That is because, seemingly out of nowhere, Grey’s Anatomy killed off one of the two most important characters of its 11-season run.

She’s trying to change weed’s image with her Beverly Hills Cannabis Club, which sells “designer” pot targeted to women that runs for $700 an ounce and comes wrapped in gold foil. To go with it, she’s created a range of $15,000 pavé diamond vaporizers (“why not make it a luxury fashion accessory?”), plus she’s got a