
I definitely had a Stephanie moment!

ee cummings was a punk bitch

I don't want to see this movie. From what I have read it leaves the folks leaving the theater all pumped up for 'MERIKA and fanning the flames of Islamophobia.

We drink pinot grig, thank you very much. Chardonnay is too oaky. #basicbitch

Adultosaur, this is what it sounds like...when thesquarerootof cries.

or mebe you were crying cause it was Nsync and not BSB?


Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.

Vegetables are essentially anti-bacon, so one vegetable piece eliminates one bacon piece. That's just science*

*Not a scientist.

They don't care. That's the *point* of banning abortions. They want to be able to pass that cost along to middle and lower class tax payers, but first unload as much of it on the poor women forced to carry fetuses to term. That way the mother is desperate enough to cling to shit jobs in retail and fast-food, and she'd

Nailed it.

Sounds like the restaurants closure was ... *puts on sunglasses*

But it will live in your digestive track, right next to the gum, for all of time because diamonds are FOREVER.

First of all, how on earth did you get a copy of this? When I sent it out I explicitly wrote PRIVATE DO NOT SHARE (in all caps like that) at the top. I'd like to point our that whoever leaked this removed that, so by law, reprinting this is illegal. I know this because my father is very rich, runs Fowler Enterprises,

well he cheated on me & it was a very expensive ring so i sold it & bought myself a car, champagne & a really great mixing console.

A few weeks ago I went out to happy hour where I hada drink and a half of two different cocktails (my friend is lame and wasn't finishing her drink and I wasn't letting fancy cocktail go to waste), then we went to a holiday party where I had several crappy, too sweet cocktails, finished off the evening with a beer. I

nooo it was like 10 years agooooo so no smartphone or camera for lil me. no evidence, but i s2g this is 100% real.

Can we drop the "good kid/person who made some mistakes" narrative as a defense? The only thing that sentence means is "yes [he/she] is a [rapist/murderer/pedophile/violent bigot], but I [the speaker] still love [him/her]." Honestly, I couldn't care less that you still love your rapist son or violent bigot husband.

i was like 18 and not a big drinker, and we were in the USVI (my aunt and cousin lived there, and my aunt's friends owned a gianormo villa AS A FUCKING INCOME PROPERTY BC THEY HAD THEIR OWN and for her birthday they were like LOL HAVE UR WHOLE FAMILY DOWN THEY CAN STAY THERE 4 FREE and we were like OK) and i went to