It’s a functional rally beast and a zero f’s trollmobile all in one. Everything that is wrong about it is so right. And it is BROWN. This vehicle is the hero Jalopnik both deserves and needs.
It’s a functional rally beast and a zero f’s trollmobile all in one. Everything that is wrong about it is so right. And it is BROWN. This vehicle is the hero Jalopnik both deserves and needs.
¡Que sería de la ciencia sin la maravillosa Serendipia?
Me alegro por los calv.... ¡ejem! los con capacidades capilares diferentes.
¡Mis más sinceras Eurekas!
Segun he entendido el experimento solo influye en la corteza visual del receptor, que es algo bastante basico. Hasta que no se transmitan ideas, imagenes, sentimientos, o frases completas directamente a la cabeza de alguien y no a sus ojos, no estare impresionado.
So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it? I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos. Be better Hamno. This is fucking weaksauce.
I think if you are willing to approach this subject honestly, it should be obvious that a line must be drawn somewhere. If not, the logic eventually leads to acceptance of a single “open” division between the sexes, effectively extinguishing women’s athletics.
According to this LA Times story police in most jurisdictions, except a few large cities, can legally fire on a vehicle if the vehicle is being used as a deadly weapon and feel there is an imminent threat to their own lives or others. That does not mean it is a good idea though or that their perception is necessarily…
¿John Cena interpretando a Duke Nukem? Sí, por favor. Aún no se ha confirmado oficialmente, pero según The Hollywood…
so you have ultra feminist jezebel......IO9 geeks which i like....and the racist over at The Root......and yes...the root is what i would consider to be a black racist website...
Wow! El cerebro es tan genial y complejo que nunca llegaremos a entenderlo completamente, pero qué bueno que cada día sepamos un poquito más de él... ahí se esconde todo nuestro potencial!
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
En la breve lista incluída, ya hay dos sitios en el conglomerado del que Gizmodo forma parte, la diferencia es que la función de esos dos es propaganda e incitación al odio 24/7.
El factor determinante sobre el valor de un empleado en una empresa es su productividad, no su activismo (sea de ultra-izquierda o derecha, da igual), no creo que sea un concepto difícil de entender.
Arrival was amazing. WTH? There are others I’d take off ahead of Arrival.
Snowpiercer? Man, I can’t disagree more—if anything, it should be higher on the list.
Eternal Sunshine has aged really poorly for me. It was one of those films that seemed amazing when I was 19, but now it just feels like a semi-novel trudge through unlikable-character-land.
I expected to see Ex Machina about halfway through the list. When it still hadn’t shown up by the time I reached the top 5, I thought “Wow, is Ex Machina gonna be in the top 5? Bold move AVClub.”
What about The Iron Giant???
AI? In the top ten? Really?
¿Que se inclinan hacia su hogar? Se inclinan hacia el ecuador... ¿Dónde creeis que está nueva Caledonia? No se inclinan a un punto, sino al circulo ecuatorial, algo que puede ser simplemente por la posición del sol y que también hacen los de la propia Nueva Caledonia. Los girasoles también se orientan hacia el sol, no…
Not sure why, but I always get a happy feeling inside whenever I see something that’s built to last. Old machinery made of cast iron, stringed instruments that are over a century old and still played, high-quality tools handed down through generations, stuff like that.