Sara seems pretty cool. I can flex my boobs a bit, but I kind of wish I had implants now to really master the skill.
Sara seems pretty cool. I can flex my boobs a bit, but I kind of wish I had implants now to really master the skill.
The Daily Mail is so cute. I like when they do these pointless features on women who believe that they struggle in some aspect because they're such hot shit.
And since size factors so heavily into this, Ms. Allen would probably have you know that a UK 6 is a US 2, and her size 20 friend is a US 16.
It weirds me out that there are racist communities that are totally fine with a lesbian couple. I'm not doubting it, it just confuses me that you could be on board with one type of broad, baseless intolerance and not with another.
Anyway, didn't read the last article (just saw the headline) but I am glad this…
Normally I'm sarcastic when I say "think of the children," but Jesus Christ. That's not okay. As if new parents don't have enough to freak out about.
I've never seen the movie, but I know SO MANY finance and startup dudebros who act like they've got money to burn and spend a ridiculous amount of effort cultivating the appearance of a Supreme Rich Douche and it's so sad. I'm genuinely baffled by it, but I guess it fulfills something. It's like a bunch of manchildren…
This is my guess, too. If I were in his position and someone had threatened me with a gun for offering to take an abused person to safety, I would be very worried that I'd call the cops, they'd go do a check, and the captors would either hide the woman and lie or threaten her into acting like she's there consensually.…
Hahaha that video is priceless. I think that's exactly how my parents spun it with raising us. Knowing you worried and disappointed someone you respect and care about is a lot more of a burn than being beaten or grounded by someone who you feel just DOESN'T UNDERSTAND, MAN.
The last time I wanted to party with 14-year-olds I was 14 years old.
I had a curfew and rules and was usually too nerdy to party, but when I inevitably fucked up and got too drunk in buttfuck nowhere in my later teens, I called my Sort Of Cool Mom. She was pissed and told me I needed to get my shit together, but gave…
Well yeah, but to be fair she does have an A+ face.
I am so glad the turd in question got canned for this. I hope they crack down hard at every instance of racism—I'm sure there are MANY—and educate these fucking twerps until it's not a point of notoriety. And if things don't improve, it's time to shut down entire chapters.
I would absolutely donate to a fund towards this guy's hospital bills if he chooses to be identified and somebody sets up a reputable fundraiser.
Lauren Bacall was a classic actor, and she seemed to have a relatively happy (and long) life. I am happy for her and to celebrate her stay on the planet.
If it comes in threes, she isn't a tragic second. She did her time here.
I really fucking miss chubby Chris Pratt. I fell off the bandwagon when he got super ripped because it felt wrong. But I'm back on now because he's just so gosh-darn adorable.
Yeah, the peas really make it come alive. Adds an air of *freshness*.
I think it's a little more like saying polar bears live in Mexico.
This is going to be lost in the tides, but I figure I'll share it in case some poor soul with a similar ailment finds it and feels comforted/understood.
When I was 17 I noticed a little pimply thing on my left breast. Pimples happen on boobs, especially in sweaty, cloggy summertime, so I wasn't worried. I figured it'd…
I imagine the statistic he's referring to is this:….
It's a survey of two schools. It included responses from students in all stages of their post-secondary education. There are a lot of factors that would impede accuracy, and frankly, we're never going to have an accurate…
I saw that picture that's been circulating with John Oliver talking about how there have been 30-something shootings since Columbine and no change in gun laws yadda yadda. I looked up the Wikipedia list of school shootings. My half-assed counting (could be a couple off, it takes a lot of screen focus) was that there…
I absolutely agree that I should protect myself to the best of my ability, because I know criminals exist and that, in some cases, my actions can be the difference between a positive/neutral outcome and a traumatic one. I am always with my drink. I took a self-defense course and know all the motions required to escape…
"Compromised" means "the dickwad we hired didn't know that even though the office bros laughed at the picture he found on 4chan, we're in shit if he posts it."