
You’re reading the intent wrong - they’re not sending the dog in to trigger booby traps and explosives so that the humans won’t get caught in the blast, they’re sending him in specifically because he can detect them better than we can, through explosives sniffing and other senses we can’t match. I guarantee that they

That dog was better at it than you’d be.

Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.

“....when woman wearing a suicide vest and toting an AK-47 suddenly appeared, blowing herself up shortly after engaging police.”

Ya know, inverted.

so about that article from earlier today....

Facists and authoritarians have this weird fetish about excelling at sports. Like if Russia beats the US in hockey it makes up for how shitty their economy is.

man it’d be pretty great if Spike Lee were actually talented at all

So a few people got called the n-word by randos and this is what the University president was supposed to drop everything and respond to?

Honest question: Isn’t this misdirected outrage? It seems like this “victory” is one only in the most symbolic form. The actual goal, ending racism at Missouri (and everywhere), seems unobtainable, so instead take down the figurehead of the institution. I understand that he did not handle these incidents well, but the

The problem is he is part of a left wing government and that never works out well for the military. He will have to toe the party line and ignore his own principles if he wants to keep his job. If this man is all this article says he is he won't stay in the job for long or he will have to sell his soul.

I’ll need to see more of his writing, but based off of this email, Mikhail seems like a potential future replacement for Magary.

A picture of the official.

Oh, you’re one of THOSE people.

I can’t imagine running into a cousin at a swingers party; if I walked into a room and saw my cousin getting plowed. I’d probably need counseling.

Actually, he’s not an idiot. No one said Patrick Kane is 100% innocent, but his point is clear, EVERYONE jumped on the bandwagon about how guilty he was right from the start. This is clearly a problem and this is what his quote was in reference.

Well I’m glad Deadspin and Kinja commentariat didn’t rush to judgement on this case.

Oh good, that means I never have to worry about meeting you being at a party.

Well sure, but some of us aren’t 45.

JFK Jr. crashed a party on Martha’s Vineyard. We know how well that worked out.