
Haha, enjoy your irrelevance in foreign affairs, 20% unemployment, and shitty economy.

Wow, I know you guys at Gawker/Deadspin were ignorant race-baiters, and hate all cops, but didn’t also know you were this fucking stupid.

The thing people don’t get or ignore about drone operations is the vast amount of time, it is extremely BORING. Staring at a screen for 10-12+ hours is not as fun/exciting or as intellectually stimulating as many would like it to be.

Because unlike Bernie, Kasich doesn’t live in some fucking fantasy land where you don’t have to pay for all the wonderful things the senile old man is proposing.

You cowards surrendered in 2004 after one terrorist attack. And elected a shitty Socialist government that bankrupted your country. So fuck you.

Too bad he is a dumbshit who can’t play defense, won’t lead the Caps to a Cup, and slavishly follows Putin.

And what do other countries like Russia and China have?!?! Jack shit. Troll harder somewhere else.

You do realize you can buy pants on the same contraption you are using to view this site, right?

The New Republic, a terrific publication..”

This is the same country that denies a BUK shot down MH17 and still denies thousands of Russian troops have fought in Eastern Ukraine.


As an MSU fan, I LIKE THIS!

Eh, most are actually alright. But guys like Russ Feingold and the corrupt unions definitely fall into the shithead category.

If only he would give a shit on defense. And maybe not be such an ignorant fanboy of Putin. Oh well.

If Olivia had any acting talent, maybe she would get a good part.

Because alot of Turks are complete and utter shitbags. Just like their anti-semitie, insecure, thin-skinned President and his poodle aka Prime Minister. Seriously, they are a near worthless ally who are only good as a base for our aircraft. They ignored ISIL until they started getting bombed in Ankara. No wonder the

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Hope France responds how Trudeau did in 1970. Not the wimpy son who is in power. The father. Bleeding hearts can just go on and bleed.

I see the moral equivalence bullshit has already started on Gawker/Deadspin. Fuck all who spew that garbage. Fuck ISLAMIC terrorism and whose who support it and make excuses for it.

Just fucking stop with the moral equivalence you piece of shit.

Be honest, you know young black men kill FAR more young blacks than cops. You just choose to be an ignorant, race-baiting, anti-cop dipshit.