Now I know why so many Michigan alums end up as arrogant douchebags in Chicago/DC/NYC. They get alot of practice in Ann Arbor.
Now I know why so many Michigan alums end up as arrogant douchebags in Chicago/DC/NYC. They get alot of practice in Ann Arbor.
Payback for you smarmy dipshits in 2005. Fuck off.
Can’t wait until the criminal report is out early next year. Just to see what fiction the crazies in Russia will come up with.
Great thing about 28 Days Later is how the whole zombie apocalypse was caused by dumbass libtard hacktivists...kind of like Gawker writers.
Shouldn’t you be pandhandling and bitching about how the NFL “wronged” you?
Is this where Jezebel writers go when they can’t think of anymore rape bait or “all men are evil” articles to write?
Nothing like the smell of fresh butthurt from overrated East Coast teams and their fans that haven’t won shit in 20+ years.
Kudos to the cop for being a professional, like the vast majority of all cops. Not that the anti-cop dipshits of Gawker will recognize that.
This is some good Kinja.
You do alot of good writing/reporting but this...
So was Petit’s actual walk just photographed or is there film of it?
...while social justice warriors/libtards like you IGNORE the gangs that rule over the favelas. And instead blame BIG BAD POLICE for all of life’s problems.
Sorry, Tommy. As much as you anti-cop dipshits piss and moan, the real villans are the gangs that rule over the favelas. Nice try, though, in trying to ignore the real bad guys while you go after the good ones. Way to miss the whole fucking point of these two great movies.
Bravo to the D.A. If only the dipshit activists of this site and others were fans of facts, common sense, and logic.
I have enjoyed watching the Nats, the predicted WS champs, choke and collapse so hard. Yet another thing about DC that is overrated and overpriced. Sorry band wagon Nats fans. How about you just root for the team from your hometown. Since who the fuck would WANT to spend their life in the shithole that is the DC area.
Where’s the post where you call the cops RRRRAAAAYYYYYCCCCEEEESSSS because they arrested minorities? Or is that for some underemployed dipshit at Gawker?
“Soccer has taken Zlatan Ibrahimović (or is it the other way around?) all around the world.”
Always like the line, “Killed for vagrancy in Jerkwater, USA.”
American audiences would have been fine with it. Stop generalizing/being ignorant about a huge, diverse country of 300+ million people.
Jesus fucking Christ. Was hoping you could do this review without turning into a mouthbreathing libtard dipshit bitching about how much you hate anyone to the right of Che Guevara. Fuck off back to Gawker/Jezebel.