
The closer you look..

In case someone was finding it difficult getting the clean versions:

I appreciate what you're trying to do, but we don't need your propaganda here.

Very good sir.

A little correction is in order..


I'd like to hear more about this Quad Retina thing.

Things like this just blow my mind..

Would be easy enough to remove if you wanted to.

Love me some html5 canvas magic.

I'd like some of whatever it is you're having.

I think you missed the point.

I think you got that page wrong.

I don't know about adaptation either.

I like the "touch screen is a gimmick" thing.

Oh look at me, I use a user-unfriendly OS that highly limits what I can do (or makes me waste loads of time) and as a bi-product no one gives enough of a crap about it to develop viruses for it.

To be fair, only yesterday I somehow stumbled into the smart corner of YouTube, where two commenters where arguing the benefits of Phi (π) vs Tau (τ / 2π) as the correct circle constant.

Like, properly decent, innit?

Im not an expert on Brain, but I highly doubt you can "use up" all your brain.

I would also like to know.