
Jezebel is a living monument to how extremist assholes are extremist assholes, no matter the cause. Feminism is awesome. Women are subjugated and oppressed in many in this country and various feminist movements bring attention to any number of plights and make positive changes.

Yes, his act is offensive to a lot of people. That’s his act. He owns that 100%. That’s literally the polar opposite of what you’re claiming in this post because his act is offensive, not the person. Can’t you tell the difference between something Weinstein or Woody has done versus an offensive act?

This is a trash opinion.

He’s not been “accused.” There have been unsubstantiated rumors floating about for years, ever since Gawker first started the damned thing.

That rumor was started by gawker and has been debunked by everyone else including the people they attributed as sources (Jen Kirkman). This site has continued to be scumbags about this rumor by doubling down trump style. No one should shed a tear if they again get sued into oblivion because of this.

The only thing in that list that isn’t taken out of context as part of a larger comedy bit is “He defended Daniel Tosh after his rape jokes” - which he didn’t actually do. Almost everything else on the page is not some random hateful statements, but intentionally controversial things selectively taken from his standup

It’s super gross and pretty shameful ethically that you’d lump LCK in with these shitbags based on some anon Tumblr bitching over comedy routines. Seriously, wtf were you thinking with that? ESPECIALLY if “your mileage may vary?” Sounds like you aren’t too sure of it yourself Nick!

So your editorial ethics are determined by some random Tumblr run by anons, then?

Chalk me up as another one who feels you need to stop pushing that.

Crude jokes = sexual assault to you?

Your mileage may vary.

All of those things are things he said during his act.

Haven’t bothered to read the article. But... Wasn’t the Luis C.K. rumor started by Gizmo speculation on someone else’s story which was never substantiated and later confirmed to be wrong? Jen Kirkman has said multiple times that it wasn’t C.K. she was talking about. You guys ruined him for me for years. Not having it

Hey Nick,

Has there been any responses to the Jezebel (or was it Splinternews) call for people to come forward about Louis CK? If not, there’s no proof. Why does the site keep condemning by association then? What’s your editorial justification?


This was just too funny not to share.

That’s what I was thinking. A lot of their customers are already so fanatical about all things Nintendo that this really won’t matter.

And, of course, the Orthodox Fundamentalist Faction of the Nintendo Faithful are out in force, defending this, already.

Oh, I get it... Mario is Nintendo, and Yoshi is their fans!

“We’re not hitting you over the head with artificial scarcity, we’re just directing you towards hot-ticket items! (Okay, really it was the former.)
But we definitely won’t drop you in a chasm in a heartbeat to get a leg up!”