
I like something that others don’t like (according to a percentage on Metacritic) = reviewers are bad.

Gee, forgive my lack of enthusiasm. The last time an anime got a good live action adaption over here was Speed Racer. So:

How are there so many people who think expressing criticism of art is a reprehensible action just because you aren’t being forced to watch it?

Apple uses automation and algorithms just like Steam does. Apple has just given more shits to make the start of your lists better. Think of it more along the lines of the recent change to Netflix’s rating system (if you have it, you should know what I’m talking about). Netflix uses thumbs up and thumbs down. They then

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Madhouse didn’t really do season 1 either. Natsume was allowed to get a bunch of great animaters he knows or worked with before.

“Am I evil?”
“Worse— you’re smart.”

This was followed by one of the most terrible edgy monologues about how stupid average people are. This is why Harmon has attracted a fanbase of fucking libertarian neckbeards. I didn’t realize R&M was now taking their dialogue directly from r/iamverysmart.

It’s falling back on this

“C’mon, Apple, and go back in time and do things sooner!”

You’re thinking of the Xbox. The iPhone is the device that revolutionized the IT industry. First, it started the smart phone revolution. Nearly all phones afterward copied its design in some way. And then a revision of the device known as the iPad went on to create a new genre of mobile computers know as “tablets.”

I appreciate your response. While I do not agree with the sentiment of it, I appreciate it nonetheless. But I’ll just end any further disagreement from here since you came up with a logical, if not cruel, way of teaching people/children. I don’t believe in the idea of letting people fail because of their ignorance.

Xbone is apparently doing even worse in Japan than the 360 did, and the 360 had a year-long head start on the PS3 while being cheaper (at least in terms of the base retail price) which is why it was ahead for 6 years. This time, instead of each console having some strongholds, Xbone only has places where it’s losing

Yeah but the original never really said they were a thing, they were close but not outright a couple.

That may be so! Though I’m lookin at the original Japanese version of the original game, over here . . .