
Congrats! You’ve stumbled upon the joke good sir, do stay a awhile, put your feet up!

i mean shoothouse is designed to be a high engagement cluster fuck so that’s kinda par for the course there.

It’s a fine, simple, fast paced shooter just like the original MW.

no, the true passivize aggressive move is the ...


So just to be clear, your disappointment results from reality?

Way to only half qoute Caitlin, you’d hate to have to explain the whole quote and string a few thoughts together other than “OH MAUH GAWD! OBAMMAAAZZ WHY UZ HAVE TO TALK ABOUT REALITY!” for this in depth piece.

because the rules are collectively bargained between employee and employer. Not because MLB doesn’t want to have the power to do so.

what the ever living fuck are you talking about?

Right, because we’re all chomping at the bit for these new awful features like auto play previews to artificially increase views on shows so Netflix can pretend it’s original content matters outside of like.....10 shows at best.

Yea, so I’m enjoying the multiplayer. The Campaign can get fucked, doubt i’ll ever play it.

Just gonna put this out here:

I mean Kayne has been awful for a loooonnnnggg while now.

Remember in August when Dave Chappelle dropped his polarizing Sticks and Stones and the worst of white-kind decided that comedy special was a hill worth dying on?

she didn’t, but ok. 

ok, pull the other one. If she had done “white black panther!!” you’d be all over her too for the easy dopamine clicks.

So Whitewashing is ok with you, got it.

Like what? just a white mask and then she’s good with you, self appointed cos play police?

yea, not regretting pre loading it at all, but still ridiculous.