The great thing about dispensing free legal advice on Kinja is that we're anonymous, so no one knows where to find us if we're wrong :)
The great thing about dispensing free legal advice on Kinja is that we're anonymous, so no one knows where to find us if we're wrong :)
I'm a lawyer too and agree with this. As a matter of policy, it's very difficult for companies/individuals to preemptively hold themselves harmless against their own negligence, or covenants not to sue. Courts rarely enforce those agreements., and it seems almost impossible in the case of a medical malpractice claim.…
We can all agree (I think) on the cases where there is something objectively wrong with the meal (undercooked poultry, "fishy" smelling fish, menu item misleading, etc.). They should replace it or not charge you for it (if you didn't eat it). But on SUBJECTIVE cases where you just didn't "like" it, even though you…
Kinda what everyone else has said. People who didn't seem like jerks was the main criteria (we actually had to ban the use of the phrases "quality guy," "blue-chipper," and "awesome dude"). You'd be surprised how many people that eliminated by itself.