
Gee, maybe some of “the love” went away when Disney decided what we all wanted was a slapdash sequel trilogy that made our childhood heroes miserable failures, cowards, and parents of a school shooter? And then totally undercut the finale of the original films by having Palpatine survive (more or less, clone,

I’m more concerned that the whole line looks like expensive Harry Potter merch for Team Gryffindor.

I love the lack of self-awareness necessary for the author to take part in exactly the extreme faux-wokeness that undermines feminism constantly. This generation seems to think the more you hate white people or men, the more woke you are, and therefore the more good you are.

1. “While a group of mostly white, mostly New York-based feminist bloggers were making their names in the aughts”

AWAE has been my favourite season of television for the past two years. S3 finale was great, with the exception of two story lines that were rushed in the final episode, and it’s such a shame they couldn’t get one more season. The finale set up some good narrative and it’s such a shame we won’t get to see them “in

That dentist shot a lion though.

Yuck, that ending. That makeup was SO BAD, and I never notice that kind of shit.

It went on so long, my watching companion and I were yelling at the TV for it to stop. It was maddening.

You weren't supposed to look at it!

I still want the 10 IQ points I lost watching Birdbox back.

I wanted to insert a joke about how we’ve avoided Rey suddenly turning evil and destroying planets in the name of peace. But honestly, that kind of thing happens all the time in Star Wars, to the point that it has a metaphysical justification in-universe.

Loved this show but I can’t believe that no talent, sexual assaulting ass-clown Franco got the last word, in a truly abysmal old man performance. The real ending was in that newspaper article. It should’ve been about Eileen’s work being rediscovered. Should’ve been HER walking through Time Square reminiscing.  Such a

Miley reminds me of some friends I have who just constantly ricochet from one doomed relationship to the next, when what they really need is to calm the fuck down and experience an extended period of being single. Get a hobby, learn to enjoy your own company, stop being so desperate for validation.

I feel like it might be a symptom of being an asshole.

Disney: “Here’s the new Star Wars!”

He has his own money and fame though. 

Seems kind of selfish of Miley, don’t you think? I mean, that’s cool if she wants to be bisexual or pansexual, but why rope Liam into a marriage, especially after they called it off a while back? He seems like a decent, stand-up dude that genuinely cares for her and wants to be with her and only her. However, I would

I probably just don’t know enough about him to dislike him, but he seemed like a really good guy throughout all their drama.  I hope he finds someone who actually wants to have a relationship with him.

You know I’m all for “do what makes you happy” but at some point when you decide to get married it really is something important and should be respected.