Nailed it. Also a large part of why these guys practice so hard and devote their blood, sweat and tears into this game is because they want to prove that they’re the best. But not just that, they want to prove their REGION is the best.
Nailed it. Also a large part of why these guys practice so hard and devote their blood, sweat and tears into this game is because they want to prove that they’re the best. But not just that, they want to prove their REGION is the best.
Glad someone mentioned this :P
Normally I would agree that this would be Square-Enix milking the FFVII title for more milk. But in this particular case I don’t see why everyone is so upset. I would gladly pay for a great game by Square-Enix, that’s multiple ‘disks’ so that they can provide as much content as they possibly can. Also making this…
This sounds like a brilliant idea. I was kind of theorizing that this was how Square-Enix would be going about it. Plus I mean.. Technically the original FF7 was Episodic.. Across three discs... >__>;;
If I’m not mistaken that should work. Any sort of skill shot works on an invisible unit since, while cloaked, the character is still occupying that space. An interesting thing to note with Nova is that even if she stands still, if you try to move through the area she’s occupying you’ll be body blocked. Which if the…
I really enjoyed reading that, very well written. Have a star.
Y’know what was good about that game? All that hair.
Ugh thanks for the Robin William feels. </3
So.. Could the main character of this game be the guy who sets up the Minotaur to protect the passageway under Naraku?
Bahaha. My main problem after seeing the complete form is which Mecha I’m going to name it after. The Megazord? Maybe Zaku? Eva Unit 01? Big Z? The possibilities are endless..
Totally agree with this hypothesis. In 10% form it’s only worried about smaller disruptions in what it perceives as the natural balance, so it needs high strength/speed to quickly take out those threats. When the situation calls for more power it ups how many cells it needs becoming 50% and thus larger and capable of…
That was just an awful play, it definitely looks like they were just charging to defend the tower, but there was no way that WFX was gonna make it at lv. 1/2. They could have easily rotated top with those three, and including their top laner would have been 4 v nothing against that tower. Towers would have ended up…
*Magic the Gathering fandom stirs from their hive*
So.. This is an interesting situation; While I don’t necessarily agree with the banning on Twitch’s part, I don’t know the exact point in which Trick2G violated the terms of service so he may have fucked himself and that’s the bottom line. But this obviously looks like a joke, out of all of the numerous swatting…
Senpai noticed me :D
*Assassin players are rejoicing in a possible shift for them in a Cinderhulk meta*
I rewatched the clip to make sure I actually saw that the first time xD