
I’ll join the chorus of vets chiming in on here and say that this PSA is spot on. Firing the M16 regularly in the service gave me an appreciation of the level of respect you should have for the weapon. It’s not made for sport shooting, hunting, home defense, or making YouTube videos; it’s made to destroy the human

Other articles online indicate he advocated for sex offenders to be executed.

Video was deleted quick. Damn, didn’t get to see it.

No they’re not.

“Cable new” ? You mean news?

The caption for She Snaps says “She Shaps”

“Number listed off the names of multiple people with whom Mueller requested his communications, and denied talking to them. “

What’s Bob Hope have to do with anything?

HamNo rolling in with the questions hemorrhoid suffers want answers to.

Icahn’t see how this is legit.

Some things just have no answer. All we can do is pray.

I’ve always used them for driving up a dark driveway when sneaking back home in the middle of the night.

Not a single comment on this post? Dang. Wonder what happened with the lawsuit.

Many years ago when I worked in a call center for a ‘V’ery big cell phone company I had the displeasure to talk to this guy on the phone.

This is a very bad take promoting a lack of engagement. As discocritter pointed out, not asking is worse.

I got somethin’ to say

I’ve never seen the battery thing work. Whenever I see people try and pull it the agent just tells them to take it out.

I travel a ton for work and do this frequently. Work pays the bag check fee but I still gate check to save the hassle of an extra line item on the expense report.

The last time I had a pump start spaying gas everywhere was in the 80's, so the story is definitely suspect.