
@Edison Matos: All you have to do is fight him and claim his quickening.

I don't see why he gets to make a comeback or more importantly what it has to do with games.

MMO's suck! I wanted KOTOR 3 dammit!

@Pinkhamster: Funny, I thought zero suspense and stupid stories sank Enterprise?

I love fruitcake!

@fritzwolf: Check out his other videos if this is too simple for you.

@DWD: Only one a-hole here...

@Holku: To be fair, I ignore those sequels too... and that pimp.

Go ahead, let him do whatever he wants, breaking from the franchise history just because some people weren't satisfied with the last superman (which I liked) is a mistake, going darker with Superman is a mistake, and what's one more possible mistake on top of that load?

@DWD: The Israelis racially profiles like you wouldn't believe and they don't have the freedom of movement that we do.

I don't have a resume.

The only mint tea I'll touch is fresh mint in hot water with some sugar.

It's not like this makes Axl look worse..

@DWD: They you'd have to pick anyone that's over the age of five and that's breathing.

@matthewabel: Add "Mattew Able's" to the title, people will think you're famous.

@DWD: No, do it for "terrorist" or even "muslim". Spot one of those, not some ridiculous straw man.

@JesusDeSaad: Babies would look a tiger in the eye, they don't count.

@CoHPhasor: It wasn't a term created by Rusty and nobody involved at the time seems to remember what it means, I doubt they could've kept it straight to begin with. Plus we don't know what it meant by the time it became slang and that's what the bet should really be decided by.

@alexanderharron: They aren't going to evolve the wrong way around, they reach forward with their legs, there's a long way to go reaching around the wrong way before they'd evolve to be better at doing it that way instead of the way they do it now.