
@kingmanic: I was talking about rice of the same type. I eat tons of rice and Japanese rice of the same kind is the same as Californian grown rice.

If you ask me all the greats are stagnating, doing the same game over and over again and in the process loosing the elements I came to pc gaming for by simplifying everything. Prime example is Mass Effect 2. Ok it's a better shooter but at the cost of more than half the rpg options of the first one, and both games

@Pirandello: I didn't like those cut scenes, this art style doesn't match the tone of Mass Effect.

@AmonSemper: I like garlic, but garlic doesn't go with everything.

This looks too goofy, Do Not Want!

@kingmanic: Nationalism is not racism, though it can sometimes seem like a close cousin. Saying the Japanese aren't nationalistic and that the fact they already had most of the major players in the market didn't factor in is as laugable as the notion in japan that American rice is somehow dry and inferior to the the

@kingmanic: The Ipod got over that hurdle. You are so in love with japan aren't you? Trust me, it will wear off.

The real reason is nationalism, and the xbox just wasn't good enough to get over that hurdle.

@Poxuz: yeah like having it in your pocket.

@ExploadingAlah: Your brain now contains some of my intellectual property...

@vid3oman64: DS's (especially the smaller ones) aren't as durable as the old gameboys, the shoulder buttons on two of mine are dead and the original ds I have is going too.

@videobeagle: See that's the problem with time travel, you should be invincible to everything that doesn't kill you and everyone you know instantly.

@stoneflysoldie: Hey you know you're right. In fact he might remember some of that code so they should probably beat him about the head until he forgets that too or is too brain damaged to do anything with it.

Nice catch guy.


Why don't prosthetic legs look like that?

I run a bare bones machine right now.