
Another thing, isn't part of performance dependent on how the whole thing works together? Can we know that from just the GPU? What's the CPU and how much load is it carrying? What type and how much ram does it have?

@The Squid: On the pain thing, once it's on it shouldn't hurt all that much the worse part would be if it hooked the head but again once it's done it's done and the guy can react. I mean unless you stick a motor on it (and yes I'm aware I'm giving out evil ideas) it's just going to sit there.

Iphone's got no F#@!in' controls fellas why not factor that in when comparing systems?

@chickdigger802: I think you underestimate the laziness of gamefreaks.

"crazy" people act all sorts of ways.

@EolirinX: They made a typo and fixed it. kotoku joe is probably out having a cigarette.


Alternative names

My problem with 3d glasses is that they're too small for my fat head. Pinching my temples gives he a head ache so I just lean back and lay them on my bridge and I'm fine.

I loved Brisco County Jr ans Wild West while flawed, had some nice bits between the protagonists.

@Maximus Thunderclap: I never know what I'm going to want to play hiding in the bathroom at work.

You guys need to get some black friends...

That intro is so '91 cheese

@Cartman86: Free stuff is great. Alternately carrying a dozen games in my crummy pocket sucks.

@Pyccko: Well the eartly 90's was twenty years ago...

you are tiny man

Well I found some new desktops...

I always find it odd when people check this out from the library.