
@silverclown: I think White is too big for the suit at this point. It'd look cool though.

I predict I will hate the outcome!

Keep government out of art. Virtual crimes against virtual children hurt no actual children. This is akin to a thought crime.

@FlashFlashCarCrash: If it were illegal to be creepy half the internet would be in jail.

@Rear Admiral Meatwad: There's a difference in Wrex's plan for the Krogan. But yeah not enough side story for me either. I did some crazy things and all I got was an npc or an email, I wanted to go see my statue, or all those bastard children I had.

Call me impressed if ME1 stuff shows up in ME3.

@L3G10N: People have pulled dialog etc out of the current game. I get my numbers from my many many runthroughs of the game, and quests not taking nearly as long as advertised, and I am by no means a speedy player.

@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: This is a glorified patch finishing off something that was suppose to be in the game from the start. And it isn't even a full character if it's anything like the mercenary we already got for buying the game. I paid for this game it seems only to be nickeled and dimed to

Greedy jerks.

Prediction: "Style" without substance, if it even decent controls.

I hate this. I hate it with every fiber of my being. When did SF become a joke game? Quirky sure, but it all out joke characters one after the other.

How do you even get a star?

If this place is going to be in love with 4chan I think I'll leave now before you start openly calling me the n-word.

@Matthew Weflen: It's harder to charge repeatedly for a single player game.

Too late cryptic.

It's a trap!

@Cake Tank!: Make the whole thing 3d shift perspective out and up and make maneuvering and environmental interaction a major part of battle.