
@DJ_Skrull: I thought it was all forcefields and light?

Pity the poor fool that has to mop the holodeck/suite...

I agree with the first ESRB rating, knowing you're creepy is important.

A good argument for a non- anonymous internet.

@JJKujo: I'll drown my sorrow in a sea of blueray movies...

If champions is a clue then most unlockable content will be available via pay, cheapening achievements.

Not a lot here for me...

I don't remember her being that busty...

Every game should have this option!

As if spending his life in prison isn't punishment enough you take away the only hobby he had? Imagine if it had been any other hobby?

This is bull...

EA online account? Well there's your problem.

I hate this game.

@pkmaster1: Understanding japanese and understanding the japanese are two different things.

PC gaming baby...

I want PSOne and PS2 support!

@Drogmir: Bad, I want my RPG's back.

@Hellrazerhd: I think I'm numb to sad news at this point.

*looks shady*