
Who else do they have?

@TJH518: Sorry I couldn't tell you, I'm so jaded to cursing I only notice if someone is trying not to curse.

You know how things are better in your memory? Well, I remember this not being good.

@TJH518: I don't know, but I blew some guy's brains out so....

I make a sandbox RPG with a MASSIVE branching storyline based on your actions.

If you don't like it don't play it.

...I wonder if the dirty bits will be a seamless part of the story?

I want G1 Transformers!

@Zalgo: Ignoring a lot of physics in that pic.

@Mad-Hobo: He tried to sleep with a salt vampire!

@HotChops: I imagine in the future you'll just engineer yourself into quivering lumps of barely conscious pleasure.

Now that is my type of woman in that pic! SOLD!

Let's hope it's better than Champions Online...

If they had gone with network storage I wouldn't have bought one.

Funny, every mac user I ever met claims they don't play games.

So... how much racism did I miss?

@2pado: Didn't he have to have his knee rebuilt?

Make another one dummy.