
I'm not even getting this and it's embarrassing. #bayonetta

I believe in patches and expansions. DLC is the path to misery and stagnation beyond the superficial. #masseffect2

When did Nintendo turn into Sega? #dsill

Edgy Mickey? I think you want to do a Donald Duck game then. #disneyepicmickey

I planned on wearing a cape if I ever became homeless, I mean what have I got to loose? Plus a little flash makes me a character and that's somewhat less sad. #nightnote

You had me at "PS3 role-playing-game" #artonelico

No excitebike for DSi? Hate the hosts... #nintendo

I have as much hair as I ever will on my face, and that's not much. #reddeadredemption

Stealth missions, microtransactions, monthly fees. #tud

I wonder if this one is an actual fighting game and not just a button masher/combo game. #dragonballragingblast

Ok, this pissed me off so much it took me a day to comment on it.

Now make a longer one with a stinger at the end #wii

@Blastarr: When I go down on you I'm biting your balls off. Who's the bitch now?