
My experience with Apple accessories is they break at least as often as the generic stuff, frequently more often. After a few years (sometimes months!) of heavy use, they tend to fray at the strain relief point which has been shrunk for aesthetics. There are better made cables out there that are more durable.

Yeah that seems to be about the gist of it.
-Thing has existed for long-time in all sorts of mostly hard copy word puzzle books.
-Dude made a simple html version of it based on his last name (Wardle) with no intention of monetizing.
-Internet finds out, has no understanding of context or history and latches onto it as

The real Wordle is entirely playable on mobile through the browser. It works great. What are you talking about?

You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.

Congrats to this guy for becoming the Martin Shkreli of f2p games.

Looks like the GOP has found another speaker for its 2024 convention.

Exactly. this case comes down to who knew what and when. If the little girl is in the hospital there’s nothing the cops need to do immediately to save her. If the mom drove the girl to the hospital because nobody was showing up then we have a problem. Regardless, interesting how The Root and it’s readers seem to ONLY

Man, Outer Wilds is one of those games that everybody seems to rave about, and I just could not get into when it was originally on GamePass. It was everything I disliked about Majora’s Mask, plus physics-based controls that I just could not get a handle on. Like, it’s one of those games that I feel bad I didn’t

Team “objects to her having so much money” over team “objects to her enjoying the money she has” every day. You’re absolutely right, scolding people for this stuff is prune-faced Puritanism pretending at progressivism.

Third option; personal vendetta against Chrissy Teagan

Slow news day or this blog is finally dead?

She’s done and said some stupid things. This shouldn’t be added to that list.

Of all the things to be outraged about in the world, this is very low on my priority list.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Squid Game costumes DOMINATED Halloween this year, are you going to go after every single person that wore one or are you just singling out Chrissy because she’s the bête noire of the moment?

I mean, I’m not even close to being Team Teigan here, but I mean what if they just really like the show? Is it really important for them to be thinking of the political undertones of it? Maybe I’m just at the point where I think asking everyone to be smart is too much. 

Oh for God’s sake. Is there nothing more pressing about which to be aggrieved?

Those poor fictional characters! I can’t imagine how their nonexistent hearts must be breaking over seeing this!

The people you saw in Squid Game were actors that were cosplaying as poor people. The people at Teigan’s party were cosplaying as characters in a TV show. Squid Game isn’t real. This is all pretend.

There are many things one could criticize Teigen for, but throwing a party themed around the biggest television show of the year is not one of them.

I know their reaction times are insane but all the decisions that were made in 1.5 seconds are still super impressive. See the obstacle ahead, brake, try to avoid the car ahead, realize avoiding isn’t an option, release steering wheel. And as Segador said modern safety tech is the real MVP here.