
A confused Nassar was later quoted as saying.

Since I don’t directly comment to greys—and especially greys with backward ass opinions—here goes:

Stop telling people what they should do on their own channels

He may not play with Woman, but he does “RAID” them all the time. I have seen him send 100K viewers to woman streamers. There is little difference.

Yes they would benefit more from his presence, but
many many streamers gained their success from the same method. NINJA himself earned his followers from a host from Summit

Speaking from personal experience, he'll probably end up fired at the end of the year.

You know what’s more becoming than a hot take? Admitting when you’re wrong and apologizing, instead of doubling down like a douche. My eyes nearly rolled out of my head at your 8th-grade-level rhetoric “official ball moderator” comment. Jesus.

So basically, you’d prefer one kid leave with several balls over someone helping ensure multiple kids left with a souvenir? 

Of course you don’t, as you want to shame somebody for something. Contrarian! This is why the outrage now, facts later is the most infuriating then with our society. Thanks twitter! It takes one incorrect “fact” by anyone and we’ve already maimed and killed the person. Of course, only to find out that the supposed

This take is bad, and you should feel bad.

This idea that anyone who doesn’t see it exactly your way is somehow morally inferior to you and should be made an example of, is exactly what is making America the cesspool it is becoming.  People have different ideas of how to be kind. Get off your high horse and STFU.

Please keep doubling down, it’s entertaining as hell

I think you overestimate how much little kids give a shit. They still got a ball from the game, they will still be over the moon happy to have it. Kids at baseball games aren’t whiny people who complain that “it wasn’t from a specific source”, they just want a freakin ball.

But he didn’t get the ball tossed to him in the video either. So no matter what, it’s a “ball given to me by a guy wearing a Cubs jersey in the second row”. Just stop with your bad take.

Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.

This seems more like a Jack Sock kind of move.

Duh, it’s a Toxic Water Summit. Flint already has toxic water, so they don’t need to attend. This was clearly more of a how-to event.

Motorcycle. Done.

As a general rule with all unexploded ordnances, no one should not touch them under any circumstances,

Fair enough, I guess my point with ignoring them is to not respond to the dealership. Of course, if a buyer wants to contact any number of outlets to report this behavior that is good.

I love artichoke hearts but artichokes as a general concept can go screw themselves. What a tease. All that mass and preparation for what? A little core and being able to lick the leaves? Seriously?