
This, but the opposite

Cloud Saves and basically all of the NES games I’d want to play. That’s basically all I want from a cheap online subscription personally.

Shumann will be fine, he already has a job lined up covering Vytautas Prienai-Birstonas of the Lithuanian Basketball League.

I feel sorry for the people who miss out on the enjoyment from watching this greatness because the don’t like Lebron for some dumb reason.

Never even realized that TB is my age. Fuck...

Oh fuck off. Not everyone who has had an opiate overdose is necessarily a junkie or a person who will go commit a violent crime or a crime in general. Your friend sounds like a shitty human and an even shittier cop and should reconsider their career choices.

I’m shocked that a cop and the friend of a cop are psychopaths who don’t think cops are supposed to serve and protect.

It’s his yard. His castle. If it had been a gun this is exactly the sort of self-defense situation that gun ownership is supposed to provide. The duplicity on the part of white gun owners in disallowing self defense for a black gun owner is astounding.

Is it weird that I kinda like that all black one (Latvia) the best? Yeah, that’s weird. And Elisabeth Vathje’s helmet?...

Then, the restaurant has to hire a courier, if they don’t have an in-house delivery person—and most restaurants do not.

I’d be totally fine with a high five.

Impressive. How’d they get NBA refs for a high school game?

Another said he “uses Paypal to avoid paying taxes.” Those are potentially crimes and posting them without attribution or proof isn’t protected.

Dr. Berger wants Reddit to remove the disparaging threads and make sure they’re no longer indexed on search engines like Google and Bing.

Remember when the Internet was evolving in the 90s and everyone said you should never give a website your real information let alone your real payment information? I don’t think Bezos is worth $100 billion because we are giving Amazon fake addresses and credit cards every time we make a purchase.

Can’t these arguments be made about every phone and most apps also?

It’s not intentional. Basically the brain gets so overwhelmed with emotions she burst out laughing. Sometimes people react to death the same way.

As a person who laughs inappropriately at sad and/or horrifying things and is completely mortified by it (it must be some kind of misconnection in my head - I am not laughing inside) - I will give her the benefit of the doubt.

Only if you’re holding/looking at the phone. I leave mine on, and way out of site where I can’t see or touch it, in slow traffic to hatch eggs. I can even use voice commands to open and close the app.