
You know how this ends right

Just want to point out, again, that the NCAA rendered its decision on Beverly on the same day it simpered to North Carolina’s horseshit reversal, and threats to sue, over the legitimacy of the no-show classes propping up the eligibility of its revenue-sport athletes.

A player ineligible because he went to class, and

Feet? I thought he only liked fucking the Calves

Oh look, we’ve finally found the proper time for people to kneel before the flag.

Pretty sure it was just a typo or an autocorrect error. I’m sure the author is aware of the difference.

Agreed. I also LOVE the fact that airplane mode doesn’t turn off either when you reactivate them after the first time. I’ve always hated having my BT headphones disconnect when I put the phone in airplane mode on a flight.

Idiotic article but there is no questioning that a 70th ranked player would usually not get this sort of coverage. What I would have really loved was if she was American. Then we could see if a 70th ranked pretty white face got covered more than the dominant Serena Williams.

Heh..Was a little dyslexic and read it as ‘Singing Orangutang’ and thought I might hear it sing a tune.

Reading this in more detail, it appears that what’s being blocked are rentals by those planning to host parties/rallies. That’s very different from blocking lodgers and isn’t really any different from a hotel cancelling an event space booking after discovering the nature of the event.

I’d also point out that you’re making your hot dogs all wrong. First you open the bun, add the condiments you want. Then you add the dog on top of the condiments. The dog keeps the mustard and relish in the bun and off your shirt.

I’ve managed in union environments and in non-union environments. In the non-union environments, great performance was rewarded with opportunities to advance to more skilled jobs and receive more pay. In the union environments, employees would remain in entry level jobs for 15 years doing just enough to not get

Having grown up in a state mostly devoid of unions (Louisiana), the whole union mentality is always strange to me.

The *shortest* drive in PGA history, meanwhile, was Tiger Woods in November 2009.

As someone who takes long highway trips, my next car will definitely have adaptive cruise control. I do find that a useful feature.

Yeah, I’ve always thought that Rocket League would be the most likely game to take competitive gaming mainstream. The premise is much easier to explain, soccer with rocket cars, and the action is much easier to follow than MOBAs.

Can’t wait! Rocket league is one of the few games I can actually watch competitions of and really enjoy. Simple rules+easy to follow+ lots of skill + short matches all make for a very entertaining watch.

Found this fan photo of Sicnarf’s round taken from the stands

I’m confused- why is advising (not complying, not serving- advising) inherently a bad thing? Would we rather Trump just start making shit up on his own (as if he doesn’t do enough of that already)? Do you just want us to devolve further into a total hell where everybody makes loud statements denouncing each other’s

Also, now with ‘Drag & Drop’ there would be come confusion as to just what you were intending to do when you ‘3d-touched’ something. I think it makes more sense in the phone as there’s not as much real estate and you need layers of options under a limited amount of pixels. Maybe?