Well every time I've tried to visit Will Smith punches me in the face and starts smoking a cigar in celebration. Seriously, who does that?
Well every time I've tried to visit Will Smith punches me in the face and starts smoking a cigar in celebration. Seriously, who does that?
Great concept! Definitely beats running speedtest all the time to figure out my download speeds.
If you're going to go to this level of dedication, using the guitar as an instrument outside of the game, wouldn't it be smarter to wait a few months for the real guitar controller to come out? I would guess that it is at least as easy to use for garage band, if not easier.
Any idea what OS it will be running? Android, or some LG proprietary system built for the phone (but with no compatible apps).
@OCEntertainment: Glad I'm not the only one that saw the words "cheats" and "illicit" in the taglines and thought that. Being caught sexting during a televised debate would make for some awkward but entertaining follow up questions.
@mtngoat: Shoulders are really tricky, much more so than bellys. I was able to drive the scope and shaver for a while at the end of a SLAP repair during my ortho AI this year. Just getting my bearings was a challenge. Fun though, and can't wait to do it more during residency (that is if I match in March)!
Looks promising, but I don't know if when things get the least bit complicated it would be good to have your surgical tools mechanically linked together. Sometimes you need to grasp part of the gall bladder pretty far from where you are working, or use a tool to help keep the bowel/liver out of the way. I would…
@ian.nai: The most fun "D" that he could bring in would be DARPA. I'd love to see what they would do to try to prove the myth, although admittedly it would probably cost $10 million and be finished sometime around 2020.
That's a great story. I just finished a month doing forensic pathology with the state medical examiners, and a lot of these principles are still taught today. Especially true about the fact that you can't go back and undo a botched autopsy. It's very rare today that you have to go to the point of dissecting bones just…
Here are the ones that I use on a daily basis:
I have to give the driver and @mjsd555 credit .... this was a freak accident at a freak time. You can't really blame the driver like you could during the day, and heaven knows there aren't a lot of good, trustable roads in the middle of rural spain.
Man, I'd enjoy removing it and dissecting it like any other gadget that's of no use to me. Don't know how they'd track that, with various part thrown away at different times.
Much better than half of the bull s&#t (pun intended) that shows up on commercial music video channels.
Lead soldiers...the perfect gift for the tot that's too badass for todays "safe" toys. And the soft metal is great for teething to boot!
Unfortunately, all of the companies that would probably put forward good iAds will be morally unacceptable to Pope Jobs. I can't imagine him approving anything from a company like Budweiser, which is sad. As a result, they're all going to be bland and annoying, just like any other ads.
Meanwhile Kim Jong il probably just laughs and puts out a media release claiming to have already personally been to the moon.
It looks like there's a small building hanging from it. If cargo transport doesn't work out I'd pay to stay a night in a hotel dangling from a blimp.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. But in the case of Sony and Apple, I don't want a different result, so I keep coming back to them even at a slightly higher price, all other things being equal. I guess that makes me a fanboy, but it's worked for me in the long run…
I'd take #9 in a heartbeat. No one would mess with your other limbs when you've got a goddamn harpoon hardwired to your arm.
I've been doing a forensic pathology rotation for the past month...unfortunately the same thing happens to people after they die. It's amazing how quickly (ie four to five days) decompositional changes take place. This is a cool look at the process that I've been seeing snapshots of for four weeks now. Great video.