crouching tiger

On the other hand, they get to sell the electricity they make for a profit - why shouldn’t I?

I’m not sure how much they’re making or losing but it’s more like I sell them a chair in December and they say they will give me $1 for the Chair; I tell them I’ll probably be back in July to buy that chair back.


Do you really think your electric rate will never go up?

How can you tell when a power company is lying? Their lips are moving.

That fixed cost is covered under the monthly service charge, which is separate from what the utilities charge for the actual energy you use. They are separate line items on the bill, and it’s clear to see how much you’re being charged for electricity versus all of the other taxes and fees.

But if we aren’t willing to pay a CEO $2 million a year how will we ever attract a CEO who wants $2 million a year!  What a predicament!

This glitch could have affected Subaru radios too, but we would have no way of knowing.

Anyone know where they get their alignments done?  That looked solid.  Every truck like that that I’ve driven is floating all over the road.

Doc here.

My wife works at a clinic now, but when she was at a hospital management would staff at bare minimum then call almost every night for additional staffing.
The first round of calls was double time, second triple and so on. They usually ended up paying triple time just to cover for the greed of not staffing/paying

Somebody should attach an amendment to any bill capping nurse pay that caps manager and executive pay as well. I’m sure the health care industry will agree to that.

This situation is of the Hospitals’ own making. They have treated nurses and other staff like shit and refused to raise their pay or treat them with any dignity. This has been going on since before the pandemic, but is finally coming to a head.

And let’s be clear what they’re saying here.  They aren’t hoping to lower pay to lower costs.  They’re just hoping to pocket more for themselves.

.3? Remember, that was 7 hours after his last admitted drink. The body burns off about .015 per hour. His BAC was probably over 4 at some point that morning. 

In the 3+ hours it took for them to administer the test, his BAC would have dropped .05 or more.  Almost enough for a DUI on it’s own.  The cops know this, and yet it took them a super long time to administer the test.  Even after being protected by his fellow officers, he still blew way over the limit.

This dude breaks four laws at once and admits to doing it nearly a dozen times previously, and he gets reinstated.

Revenue-generating sports. I’m goddamn sick of the sexism. Maybe we stop paying college coaches so much? Just a thought.