crouching tiger

Hit and Run is no accident. It’s a crime, and a decision. Often, people run after a collision if they’re drunk or otherwise impaired, because the penalty for that, if they’re even caught, is less than OUI.

A lot of douche bags have ingested Lysol recently.

I wish my commencement speaker had died on stage. He was a physicist, and his speech was about how Islam needs a Reformation so that Muslims can join the modern world and stop being terrorists and savages. You know, something he’s an expert on. Students were booing him and turning their backs. They got chastised for

Kristen and her unvaccinated brood are going to be eating oat cups alone for the rest of the pandemic.

You’re surely right. I bet a bunch of people are moving out and moving on as soon as things normalize.


It would make a lot more sense if the comments were still there under each post.


Judging from another recent post, a huge number of Jalopnik commenters would probably say that a high speed chase would be appropriate to catch someone breaking traffic laws. 

It's as equally true that correlation doesn't not equal causation.

There should be a bunch of serious charges brought against the cop and any of his enablers and co-conspirators

A Biden-Trump debate will be a real mess of senility.

I think the problem is that people will get called back to work, and face a choice of potential exposure to Coronavirus versus working.

I thought that line about Louisiana abandoning centuries of English Common Law was really odd.

It's not even a good design. 

What we missed was the study he was referencing is Swift (1726).

That quote could so easily be repurposed to argue for CO2 and CH4 regulations to combat climate change.

That’s the unfortunate reality. Cannabis laws, like many others, basically exist as a pretext to hassle and incarcerate POC.

Add to that: not handwashing, not wearing a mask during a pandemic, and gathering together to protest emergency stay at home orders.

I used to live on an unbridged island that didn’t have car ferry service. It’s beautiful, and remote. The islands in that area aren’t letting people come out right now, and I agree with them.