crouching tiger

Have you read Blood Done Sign My Name by Timothy Tyson? It has great description of radical and militant self protection in Wilmington, Oxford, and elsewhere in NC.

I’d know that skyline anywhere.

It’s worse than that. Prison populations are counted in the largely rural areas in which they are located. But of course prisoners can't vote for the large part, so that increases the effective representation of white people in districts that house prisons.

He should work up a rap persona: Donald Crump. That would turn some heads.

Projection, as usual. It's fascinating to observe what he's willing to tacitly admit about himself.

I had the same thought. Receiver isn’t down yet, so you still play hard.

I think this is good analysis, at least for white Boomers.

I lived in Tucson until last year. I met a guy from Kuwait in my neighborhood, and we were chatting about the summer weather. He said he couldn’t handle the dry heat, and that he much prefers high temperatures coupled with high humidity.

Victim Blaming will always be America’s favorite pastime.

I drive a diesel wagon (manual transmission). Over the past several months, I’ve averaged 51.6 mpg. Yesterday, driving up towards the mountains, I got 61 mpg there and back.

Proud Boys don’t jerk. Please try to keep up.

We believe law enforcement and the public needs to be fully informed about the meaning of these images...”

She belongs on a Faces of Meth billboard

Rapture. Do you even have to ask?

It sounded like harmless fantasizing. Still, planting the idea on Fox or Twitter could really ruin TrumPutin's breakfast of cold KFC.

As if. Everyone up here is so fucking old it'd take a pile of Viagra for that to be true.

The only game TrumPutin ever played was pocket pool.

That fucking troll might be right about political families having corrupt family members. 

He is impotent, though.

Bob Dylan is a great comparison for Obama when it comes to Nobel prizes.