crouching tiger

Parking is nearly universally a municipal zoning issue, and I’d be stunned to learn that your city doesn’t specifically require a certain amount of parking at businesses.

Those aren't great for pedestrians, though.

The article describes a safety consideration. Electric vehicles don't improve on that issue.

Look outside the US, and you’ll find great examples of BRT success.

Well, if not adding a lane, repurposing one. That's often more palatable in a city than on an interstate, as in your example.

Well, right. So rather than reporting what jail officials say, wouldn't it be appropriate to say "alleged suicide," since nothing has been proven?

I love that you consistently wrote Tuscon. It's a nice place, and I love it, but I'm not above deliberately misspelling its name. 

Anne, serious question about journalistic practice. Is "alleged suicide" appropriate under the circumstances? I haven't seen that any forensics have been released, only an official statement about cause of death.

Even if he was trolling, “3 more days of probation left then I get my AR-15 back" is the most Florida sentence ever written.

And Sebastian Gorka?


Better yet, write to U Maine and ask that they take his name off the Mitchell Center, etc.

That could explain how her "genius" visa was granted.

I don't think I've ever been in agreement with Joe Scarborough before.

Weird anti-Semitic trope that he reached for there.

D you mind saying what place this was, assuming that doesn’t expose your real details too much?

Chris Rock is a goddamn genius.

It would have to be a long list to start creeping into the $billions, because bus rapid transit is pretty inexpensive compared to rail. It's such a good solution, and flexible to changing circumstances.

He looks like a wannabe Donald Trump Jr. 

It's not like his trigger (the Anthem) isn't played in public all the damn time. The risk that he'll assault or kill someone is way to high for him to be walking free in a state full of guns.