crouching tiger

Do they have power over sprints, middle distance, and long races? Because this ruling is only being applied to Semenya's favored distances.

That warning should be tied to whether the back door was opened that day or not.

They didn't go to school, silly.

He has the best words. And he used both of them.

If this were really about women's running and testosterone, the new rule would apply to all distances, not just the ones Semenya races in. This is clearly targeted at her.

She sounds pretty responsible. She at least left the baby in the car in the middle of the night!

What was her blood Ambien level? That’s too many n-words to have been caused by alcohol alone.

And could run.

That was unkind of her.

Isn't becoming a congressional representative the greatest expression of gratitude? 

Never forget.

Are you this stupid in real life, or so you just pretend on the internet?

Pictured: Suckabee's O face

No idea!

This has to be deliberate. Why else have those hair colors?

I have no idea whether I could walk that highway in 6 days, let alone 5, because it’s pretty far outside my experience. Who knows.

I only know about it bc I’m from coastal NC, and my defiantly white high school taught us the dance.

Awesome writeup, Colin.

Factor in the extreme elevation, and that might be pretty hard to actually do.

Outside of some college and grad school classes, I completely agree. I learned a lot from his posts.