Online degree would be my guess. It's probably as rigorous and high-quality a degree as you'd expect.
Online degree would be my guess. It's probably as rigorous and high-quality a degree as you'd expect.
Ironically enough, Trots was recounting a personal anecdote about racist hockey players. And you jump all over him for a failure of reading comprehension...
Abigail Fisher was the Becky with the Bad Grades who sued when she didn’t get into UT Austin, right?
I'm getting an Aztek vibe.
They read like Christian rock lyrics filtered through a Hallmark card-generating algorithm.
I'm puzzled by why an uneducated man who never attained anything of importance thinks the white race is so special.
I think it’s a fulgurite, or maybe a weird carrot.
Hi fellow Mainer. I teach in the UMaine system. I can't imagine bribing my way into a party school like USC.
I'm prepared to send a huge package of thoughts and prayers their way if that were to happen.
If he didn’t set up financial and legal mechanisms to care for his "baby," then I don't believe him at all.
That fetus might have spontaneously aborted anyway. Miscarriage is so common that we don't even know the actual rate in the US.
He needs to prove that he’d set up a 529 and other forms of support for the fetus, or else I won’t believe he was going to parent the child if it was born.
Those things are nauseating and smell like acetone.
What was this white man arrested for? You can’t actually be this stupid.
This needs to be out of the greys. Excellent context and additional information.
Not really. She's just returning it her faculty role. She's probably somewhat of a psycho in her department, if she can't tell the difference between a church and a chicken chain though.
Snowflakes - piled up 3 feet deep in my yard
Aioli is just pretentious mayonnaise, right?
I'd love to see this story updated. Has the situation changed since this was published?
All this to say: Le Page is incredible garbage. Florida can have him.