I'm boring and misanthropic, so I'm going with hazing on this one.
I'm boring and misanthropic, so I'm going with hazing on this one.
I can rarely distinguish real TrumPutin tweets from spoofs.
Its a shame that Kavanaugh gets to be on the Supreme Court for life, despite credible sexual assault claims against him.
Welcome, comrade!
Let's hope no one tells them about "mark, recapture."
On the topic of your new username: the opposite of n+1 is s-1, in which s is the number of (smart cars, motorcycles, etc) that a partner cannot handle and will leave you single.
Alanis, Stef, Kristen and others:
Suckabee has two points of view.
Many people, the best people, say it's tertiary syphilis.
So who exactly are Republicans these days, if we're not including self-identified, registered Republicans?
Photo caption: Four arguments in favor of expanded access to abortion.
Bastard son, judging from this photo.
I miss Defamer.
Judging by the price, it's really fucking hard to make.
I love your username
Glad to see someone pointing this out.
I have a 2006 4 door Civic Ex with a stick. They are... uncommon.
Like you, I dislike Melania TrumPutin.
Yes, self plagiarism is a thing. In scholarly work, that largely takes the form of reusing previously copyrighted text.