crouching tiger

If you force more gas past the meters, you can make a bundle.

Maybe if cops spent more time monitoring corporations, this wouldn't happen. 

Oh. I assumed a spinal deformity.

Authoritarian maniac? She’s not wrong, but when did Dana Leech start hating capitalism?

I've never seen a Hobby Lobby at church. Just saying.

Did. Not. Know. That.

*allegedly a billionaire. 

John Irving seems odd in terms of personality, but devoted to his family and town. Same with Stephen King, although he seems better socialized than Irving.

TrumPutin is the leading cause of vaginismus.

In the words of Atlanta's greatest, "Let me break it down child style so you don't miss": don't touch strangers without their consent.


Catholic judges shouldn't be ruling on Roe v. Wade. They seem not to be very impartial.

It was the best course I took in college. No lie. I wish I’d taken more.

That must have been great. Y’all weren’t going to be cannon fodder!

For a laugh, you should look up Edison and patent theft.

Same. Almost always a van.

Why does this list need to be kept in a spreadsheet? Unimportant detail, I know, but it's bothering me. Are Republicans really that incompetent?

A Baldwin, surely.

I took a women's studies course in college, and one day the professor had us take the officer candidacy test for the WWI US army. It was a test designed around the knowledge base of southern white farmers, mostly. Not one of us elites could come close to passing, and most did about as well as guesswork.

I'm OK with the Trump crime syndicate being in an overcrowded prison.