
The game isn’t bad, the game is gorgeously made and well-polished, the community is the cancer. It’s why I’ve only been playing Heroes of the Storm since it came out.

Me too. Every single time. It may have (slightly) ruined other games for me.

Have Two Drinks at a Party<em></em>

Everyone has their own relationship to and tolerance for alcohol, but next time you’re at a party, you might do well

This Aaron guy needs a raise and a high five.

I mean a month after the warranty expired more than a dozen pixels blew. Then a bright spot formed down on the bottom of the display. Then the hard drive crapped out and I replaced it. Currently it crashes every two hours and likely needs a completely new installation because something clearly went wrong when I moved

That’s how you go out with style. Star Wars Galaxies, another SOE game, had a massive faction vs faction battle during the last days of the servers.

Never has a franchise toy potential been more ruined by incompetent idiots than the Avatar franchise. Every fan I know really wants some collectible of the series - figures, pop vinyls, statues, tiny pseudo-lego blind bags, anything. But nope, nothing.

They left off the bullet point where they were deleting Mei from the game. Piece of shit character is a pain no matter WHAT team she is on.

How do you get people interested in your game?

I love the idea that these despicable people rushed home after plopping down $50-$60 on a brand new game and were instantly banned again. “I’ve spent $200 on this game, and I can’t play it! I just want to be able to cheat and feel superior to others while simultaneously ruining the game for everyone else. Is that too

Warner Brothers isn’t making Doctor Strange...

Warner exec: “Can we have the Flash strangle a few more orphans, maybe?”

I read a report he didn't reach the genocide level murder quota

Truly. Look at that concept art for Snyder’s JL film. It makes me sad.

Now we can get his non-union Mexican equivalent!

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are the best entry's in this series and the only two worth playing.